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Presenter: Jesse R. Johnson, BS, CNMT
Senior Area Business Manager for Curium

Jess is currently a Senior Area Business Manager with Curium and support their traditional products line such as Mo-99 generators, Thallium, xenon etc., in addition to Cu-64 DOTOTATE, Detectnet and most recently I-123 Ioflupane injection. He has had multiple responsibilities and sales positions with Curium over the past 15 years dating back to Tyco Healthcare Mallinckrodt. Prior to this he worked for Dupont/BMS Medical Imaging supporting Cardiolite from the Medical Affairs side of the business. Jesse has also worked 15 years clinically at the Marshfield Clinic in Marshfield, WI.

Date: May 26, 2022
Time: 3:30pm EDT

Who should attend? PET Interpreters, Technologists, Referring Physicians, Marketers

In this webinar, Jesse will:

  • Review the structure, function, and distribution of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs)
  • Describe the key attributes of NETs that are necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of current imaging techniques and technologies
  • Identify currently used imaging technologies for NETs and the benefits and limitations of each

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